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Fabrics of Glory

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Every year, Prince Kung's Palace Museum hosts the "Splendid China -- China Intangible Cultural Heritage Costume Show", joining hands with the China National Textile and Apparel Council, the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology and China Fashion Week. 

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the event showcases the application of intangible cultural heritage items in modern design and aims to revitalize traditional Chinese technology. 

Since its initiation, more than 40 fashion shows have been held across China, with themes based on national intangible culture heritage items. Suzhou-style, Beijing-style and Guangdong-style embroidery, Yunjin and Songjin brocade and Kesi silk tapestry have all been brought to audiences so far, highlighting the creativity and vitality of quintessential traditional culture.

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